Welcome to my professional Public Relations page!

To make the difference is to have the drive to empower yourself and others to be positive through motivating ourselves. To make an impact on those who want to be more confident in ourselves. For that is who we are.

Welcome to my professional Public Relations Professional page!

Blogger, activist and motivational speaker, my goal is to reveal the power of confidence through multimedia storytelling and staying current on the communications industry news. Expanding knowledge through branding and creativity in campaign execution and development.

All About Confidence.

My Face and Facebook Data is Ready For Download

Reviewing my Facebook data and privacy settings over the years, since 2008, has been mind blowing. How can it be that a major social media network is able to monitor and keep my personal data, I’ve had for over ten years, without realizing it? Did I allow Facebook to have this much control over my “social life” and influence me to particular products, memes or public forum opinion pages I follow?  With Facebook’s recent data breach with Cambridge Analytica, this ultimately lead me to conclude of what I actually allowed Facebook to keep track of and what third party advertisements I signed up with since the start. Once the download of my data was complete. I began to unveil what advertisers targeted on me based off my interests, likes and pages I’m following.

Once I dove into the different folders downloaded through my Facebook information, I had no idea there would be so many folders and categories within each folder of what targeted me.

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I recently did a Facebook purge of deleting friends and pictures, Facebook archived all of them; every single one. Luckily I don’t have any “live” embarrassing photos of myself on Facebook, but, why would Facebook harvest something I wanted deleted? What is the value they see in those photos of my juvenile, young Facebook, teenage years? Once I saw the likes and following folders, I thought about this more to myself and which Facebook pages I should remove from my interests.

Since the Cambridge Analytical case arose, the firm admitted to have harvested over 87 million Facebook users’ data. This news shocked me and made me realize how much power social media has on influencing and persuading our views in real time. The communications industry is all about creating messages, telling stories, and spreading awareness. With these key elements to communications in mind, is it ethical for Facebook to hold my information for companies to use without letting users become more educated about what the information will be used for? Collecting and researching information is part of how we as communications professionals come up with our target markets and audiences. Granted, we all have a choice to decide who lets us view our profiles but, Facebook users need to understand where their information is going. At least sending users an email or notification of their profiles being selected for a research study or survey would show the value of how important their demographics and psychographics are for social media targeting and research. 

Will Facebook use all the High School Musical pages I followed back in high school to target me for their fourth moving coming out soon? To bring the nostalgic feeling back in hopes I will see the movie? I know this advertising strategy would work for me because  I’m still a fan of the movie series. Would this form of Facebook data collecting strategy work on you?


The Importance of Civility in Public Debate

In the hubbub of our busy lives, we often forget the value of common courtesy and how we express our actions towards our peers. It seems as if public citizens and political leaders are only protecting themselves and their reputation. Us against them. Them against the world. It’s as if people no longer can understand both sides of a story. This happens by people not being able to keep an open mind for more than just one opinion. If our peers are unable to make it past Maslow’s two basic physiological and safety needs, society will show how uncommon common courtesy could really be in a biased and self-centered society.

Civility in public debate is more than politeness, it’s more important than that today. Civility is about disagreeing without disrespect, seeking common ground as a starting point for dialogue about differences, listening past one’s preconceptions, and teaching others to do the same. In a competitive world we should be grateful to have the First Amendment right to express the freedom of the press, religion, assembly and address the government. The United States occupies its citizens by inspiring creativity within the marketplace of ideas. It’s our duty as Americans to express our ideas, thoughts and opinions by holding a public debate to result into to a place of equal understanding of both parties before coming into the discussion. Our past, present, and future depend on civility essential process in a public debate to gather, listen to each other, and debate to make up their minds in determining a course of action with parties’ reasons behind their viewpoints.

As communication professionals, it’s our job to share and distribute newsworthy stories that tell unbiased views considering the public interest of civility. Whether it’s an advertiser creating a political campaign against their competitor, a journalist covering a presidential debate, or a public relations manager managing a political candidate’s campaign trail, an ethical and logical approach to having prior knowledge before going into a debate and in front of the media will help the candidate’s reputation to have a strategic approach going into the conversation. This will greatly benefit the opponents in the long run for their individual careers. It’s important to recognize the difference between being selfless and selfish of others’ actions, especially as a leader. One can only understand civility until one can understand all points of view.

As a Campaign Coordinator in the automotive industry, adapting to the industry’s language, collaborating with coworkers on digital marketing strategy and researching best practices for website management takes civility to a level not many people would expect. To get clients to the next level of understanding, the Campaign Coordinators and internal team members work together to develop the best strategy of website performance. As a Managed Services team, we must think ahead of the competition. We must think what’s next in a way everyone can understand.

Over the past few years working at Dealer.com, the company has been bought out by two, top tier corporations. The final deal lead Dealer.com to be under the Cox Automotive brand, with Kelly Blue Book and Autotrader. The biggest change our original company faces are the changes in company culture. Men are held in higher up positions where women are sparse in those types of positions. It’s hard as women and minorities to grow in the corporate world without being presented on how to find opportunities for everyone to get a fair shot in being able to move up. To inspire and influence a change in Cox Automotive corporate world, I’m part of the Dealer.com initiative called Women with Drive.

Our mission at Women with Drive is to set the standard for inclusion and equality across the Cox Automotive Burlington, Vermont location and our surrounding community. We exist to champion the rights of women by establishing a forum for networking, idea sharing, and education related to personal and professional development. As a group, we have held panel discussions of women sharing their experiences and how they moved around the organization and networking events to introduce ourselves internally to both men and women who would be interested in joining our mission.

This disparity in the industry is not due to company-level attrition or lack of interest: women and men stay at their companies and ask for promotions at similar rates. If we’re going to change the power imbalance in the workplace, we need to ensure women (and men) get more mentorship and sponsorship, not less. We need to build networks that put us on the path to exciting opportunities, and stretch assignments or projects that lead to promotions.

As I write my reflection on the Freedom of Speech in the Digital Age Immersion, I’m also preparing for an upcoming interview for a Project Manager position within my department. Not only will I be asking questions about what the position entails, but bring up the conversation of whom I will be interacting with within the position. I’m confident the Project Manager position will coincide well with my Public Relations studies at Syracuse University. My abilities to organize, execute an effective campaign and be creative makes me ambitious to do more than second best, to be the best at serving myself and my company in breaking the glass ceiling of corporate stereotypes. I may be young woman, but I know how ambitious and ready I am for next steps in handling the hard conversations that myself and my company must face in the digital age. The hubbub is fast paced, but I now have the resources to make a difference in strategically bringing civility to a public forum and asking the tough questions about leadership in my organization.

WordPress Experience – Question #1

Based of my experience, I absolutely love WordPress. I have a personal and a professional blog.

The pros are there are a variety of options on templates, content placement and how easy it is to use. Simple widgets are explained of what their main function is and the simplicity of being able to categorize posts for different people to be exposed to your blog.

The only con is the ability to narrow down searches for specific or new blogs to find and follow on Reader. Sometimes I have a hard time searching for new blogs and prefer a different style newsfeed layout to find them. Reader is helpful but takes some getting used to.

Aside from that, no complaints, all compliments about WordPress!

The Future of a PR Communications Professional

Being apart of a mission greater than myself is what drives me to become a successful communications professional. We can’t start a fire without an inspirational spark and dive right into the possibilities the future of communications holds. Journalism, advertising and public relations are the main tiers of communications. Intro to Digital Communications allowed me to expand my thinking across the communications industry, not just the Public Relations professional I hope to be upon completion of the Communications@Syracuse program. A notion that has opened up to me in this course is how traditional and modern media are converging into one another, as are the communications fields themselves.

Today communications professionals work to understand media convergence and help break the digital divide amongst society and around the world. Public relations is about telling a story and how you tell your audience makes the impact the story is making. Progress is progression in gaining media coverage traditionally (TV, print and radio) to digitally (social media and multimedia platforms). A public relations professional can communicate and tell stories directly to their audiences. The complex messages versus simple evolve over time to have the chance for the story to develop and thrive.

Public affairs is a passion of mine and want to immerse myself in. Whether it is working independently or in-house, government, business or client, public relations helps an organization and its public adapt mutually to each other. I want to be able to stand up for what is right on stand alone issues involving our government, nonprofits or general public. Using digital communications tools and techniques give a jump start in creating a story’s spark.

The future relies on us to become open to possibilities and overlapping changes in the communications industry. We are the leaders of communication change in what we want to see in the world. It all starts with a story and leading the people to where we need to be.

More Than Meets the Ad

“Where’s the beef?” Wendy’s television ad is one of the most iconic advertisements of all time. The old women wonder where the beef is in their burger, yet there is another hidden message that is relevant to today. We are unsure of what is in the food served at fast food restaurants. Where the beef could mean, is this really beef? There is more than meets the eye with hidden meanings, interpretations and stories in advertisements.

During our Live session, we reflected on ads that stood out to our class the most. Jingles, Super Bowl commercials to classics sparked memories that brought feeling and a sense of connection. The M&M Santa commercials always replay every year around the holiday season. The feeling of believing and nostalgia spirit.

When more meets the eye, would that mean seeing is believing? Advertisements can trick us into believing they are news articles. The New York Times wrote a news article that was really a paid advertisement for Orange is the New Black  by Netflix to get readers interested in the behind the scenes of women prisons. The article leads you into an interesting topic. In the end, it was an advertisement.

Readers today are more influenced by stories than ever before. Stories that drive interest and open readers’ minds to unbiased views. The different fields of communications intertwine and cross into the same messages. Journalism tells the story. Public Relations spreads the story. Advertising sells the story. The trifecta of communications influences more than the story, its something more than there appears to be.


WWJD: What Would Journalists Do?

In tonight’s Live Session, we took an in-depth look into the biggest changes, challenges and debates in journalism today. Journalists are responsible for sourcing stories and creating content immediately as soon as an event becomes news worthy. With the Internet playing a positive and negative impact on the affects of journalism, it’s important to notice the bias and the “fake news” trends affecting the news media outlets’ credibility.

News and entertainment are immediate by drawing in the most media attention. The immediacy is urgent on how soon a story can get out to the public in enough time to credit witnessing sources within developing stories. Consumption and distribution of content has changed so much over the years. The days of the printing press to interactive online videos, show the playing field of traditional versus digital multimedia platforms having the urgency to get the story out there as soon as possible.

We are no longer just consuming media, but are contributors to all media platforms. Anyone has the ability to have a voice and curate content by sharing their ideas, opinions, points of view through storytelling tools in the digital space. A dialogue can be created where users can engage in creating a conversation with others. Online engagement is the biggest part in the amount, accessibility and reach of content available to anyway.

Journalists break the digital divide by giving many people the opportunity to absorb information they previously may not have been able to access. Apps may be the newest version of a newspaper, but it will never replace the satisfactory of holding news stories in your own hands instead of your screen.

I Got 99 Problems and Virtual Trainer Ain’t One

Big Data is the “big talk” in the modern digital age. Understanding Big Data is knowing how to interpret data literacy. The ability to read, create, communicate an understanding of the data we are collecting or using for information drives Big Data.

In last night’ s Live Session, we discussed the different industries surrounding themselves on how each of them can obtain personal information. The focus on my group topic was Health and Fitness. I was ecstatic to have this topic because I am involved with a present and futuristic way Big Data plays in the fitness world.

I have a personal trainer who I communicate with on a daily basis. I schedule monthly phone calls, FaceTime or meet with her on a monthly basis when I am available. She is the best trainer I ever had. Katie really cares about my health and fitness goals. My virtual training comes with set exercise plan suiting my goals plus meal planning, ways to meal prep and recommend diets or trends to help with my weight loss. I never would have found these resources on my own without knowing her.

Finding your niche in the Big Data world brings out what works best for you, your lifestyle and well-being. Always staying in tune with the latest and how personalized digital tools can really be useful. Little do people realize the benefits an application on your smartphone or website can really get to know you. It makes you think who is on the other side creating these options for you.

Karma Is A Post

“What goes around comes back around”. Or is it, “what gets deleted comes back around”? No matter how you phrase it, placing public or private content online is stored up in the Internet Cloud, waiting to download on your parade. Users of the Cloud tend to not realize how much of risk it can be to have everything, photos or text, in a platform that is the user’s account and not actually your property. Only if the holder of the account buys the domain, the user then can fully claim the account.

How often do people really read the “Terms and Conditions” part of a contract to a website or app? This is a question I thought about during our Live session going over the Ethical and Legal Snapshots. Many of these cases could have been justified if users looked into the legality of the websites or apps.

Really makes me think twice and double take content I post and see online. You never know what others will see or search for. Karma can come up offline and online!

The Digital Divide Between You and I

The concept of breaking the digital divide has always been around, but where do we notice the different divides among society? Voice recognition technology, for example, has advanced overtime for different uses. Verbally writing a text message on your phone to asking Alexa to turn off the lights in a room.These concepts and technologies make our lives easier at our convenience. People in modern society often don’t think about how much of a privilege it is to have access to smartphone and advanced digital technologies. During our live session, I opened up to thinking about what kind of people? Regardless of social and economic classes, there is a divide that affects everyone on different levels, especially those with disabilities.

We often see people in commercials walking by who are happy and healthy. Having the ability to walk and use all five senses; touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. This made me wonder, will the digital divide explore digital medias to have the capability in recognizing the five senses? A few of my family members are deaf. The can hear me slightly and what I am trying to say. Thought, sometimes they miss the tone or concept of what the real message translates to. Sign language is a universal. Lately, my conversations with my family members have revolved around the types of apps they use. LouderTV helps the user hear more clearly through the TV and radio. ASL Dictionary translates, through text, the english language into sign language for the user to visually see and understand what the person talking to them is trying to say.

Our world is slowly coming together to collaborate and create more useful apps and technologies to break the divide for those with disabilities. Will you evolve to do the same?